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Whats the best way to answer the phone? Part 1 of 3: Answering the Phone Keep a pen and paper next to you. Keep track of calls by writing down the person's name, the time he or she called, and the reason. Answer the phone in as few rings as possible. No one likes to be forced to wait. ... Identify yourself and the company. ... Ask the right questions. ... Assume that someone from your organization is listening in on the conversation. ...

How to answer the phone politely at home? Part 1 of 2: Using Basic Telephone Etiquette Download Article Greet the other caller politely. Whether you are placing a call or receiving a call, be sure to greet the other person politely. Speak in your normal tone of voice. If you talk too loudly into your phone, it may be uncomfortable for the person on the other line. Speak directly into the phone's mouthpiece. ... Do not eat while talking on the phone. ... More items...

How to answer your phone professionally? Method 1 of 3: Handling Professional Calls

  1. Pick up after 2 or 3 rings. When you’re answering calls at work, let the phone ring 2 or 3 times before you answer it.
  2. Prepare a professional greeting. When you’re answering the phone at your office, you won’t always know who is on the other end of the phone.
  3. Identify yourself and your organization. [2] ... Etiquette Coach Expert Interview. 29 September 2020.
  4. Nicely ask who’s calling if you don’t know. Often, the person will not only give you their name but also provide information about why they’re calling.
  5. Speak directly into the mouthpiece. Rest the phone gently against your cheek and speak into the mouthpiece that should naturally fall near your mouth.
  6. Avoid using slang or profane language. When you're answering the phone at work, you represent your company to whoever you're speaking with on the phone.

How should i answer the phone?
  1. Greet the caller in a friendly tone. When answering a cell phone, Caller ID will typically indicate who is calling you.
  2. Ask why the person is calling. If you don’t know the person, be polite by saying “How can I help you today?” or “What can I do for you?”
  3. Speak clearly using your normal tone of voice. Don’t worry about shouting into the mouthpiece or over-enunciating your words.
  4. Don’t answer the phone while chewing gum or food. If you’re chewing gum or food, take the time before answering to spit it out or swallow it.
  5. Don’t talk to people outside of the call until the call is over. ...

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