Quick Asked: String Telephone?

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Last update: 16 May, 2024 136 Views

How does a string telephone work? Talk through a String Telephone. These vibrations were transferred to the string and then into the bottom of your partner's cup, which made the air inside of his or her cup vibrate and become detectable sound. When the string goes slack, the vibrations dissipate more easily and get lost along the way.

How do string telephones work? This is not much different from how a telephone works, except that electric current replaces the string in a telephone. In an old-style telephone, the person speaking vibrates a metal diaphragm. The diaphragm's vibrations rapidly compress and uncompressed carbon granules, changing their resistance.

Why should the string be tight in the string telephone? You can hear surprisingly far using a string telephone if help the right way! If the string is kept tight, the sound waves will travel. If the string is loose, the sound is less. This is because the lose string causes the vibrations to travel all around rather than directly down the string.

Do string phones work? The key is to make sure that the string is tight between the two cups, and this normally means that the distance is limited and the two people have to be connected to each other by a straight line. But as long as the string is tight, it works. It is also a great way to understand how telephones and radio work.

Listing Results String Telephone? Question Answers

Parsing a Phone numberstrings C++ Programming

1. scanf("%10 [^ ()-]", str); Since the program asks for another number if the input is wrong, you will need a loop to keep asking for the number if a wrong number is entered. A condition should also check if the number entered is correct after each call of "scanf". A way to check this is. Code:

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