Quick Asked: Sonoma Marin Recology Phone Number?

Are you searching for Sonoma Marin Recology Phone Number? By using our below available official links ( which are always up to date), you can find contact information without any difficulty. It may list Phone number, Mobile phone, Email Address & Customer service information.
Last update: 20 May, 2024 48 Views

Who is recology sonoma marin? The City of Santa Rosa and Recology, Inc. dba Recology Sonoma Marin maintain an exclusive franchise agreement for the collection of solid waste, organic waste and recyclable materials in the city pursuant to Chapter 9-12 of the Santa Rosa City Code.

How do i contact recology customer service? Please complete this form and return to Recology by email at [email protected] or by mail at 250 Executive Park Blvd. Suite 2100 San Francisco, CA 94134. How can I pay my Recology bill online?

How do i pay my recrecology bill online? Recology customers may pay their bill online by logging into their existing account, creating a new user account, or as a one-time user with no account required. Once logged in, you can make payments, set up automatic payments, view payment history, and add customer and payment accounts.

Is recology a monopoly in santa rosa? When the city of Santa Rosa asked for bids from garbage collection companies several years ago, Recology was the only viable vendor. So Recology is a monopoly. Suppose to pick up garbage on Monday.

Listing Results Sonoma Marin Recology Phone Number? Question Answers

Bulky Item Pickup Zero Waste Sonoma

For residential hauling company customers only. Bulky item pickup means that certain items such as mattresses, appliances, furniture, excess yard debris/organics (bagged or bundled), and electronics* that cannot fit into the garbage or yard debris cart or that need special handling will be picked up by appointment.

Recology Sonoma Marin in Santa Rosa, CA (800) 2430291

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