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Did you know these 5 interesting facts about the telephone? Most of us know that Alexander Graham Bell first invented the telephone in 1876, but there are many other facts throughout the history of the telephone that are nearly unknown! Here are the top five: 1) The first phone call was between Alexander Graham Bell and his assistant, Thomas Watson.

Who was the first person to answer the phone? Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, suggested using “ahoy” when answering the phone. It was actually Thomas Edison who suggested using “hello.” These truths may sound simple, but they still count as a worthy element on telephone invention facts.

What came first the telegraph or the telephone? Facts About The Telephone Before Alexander Graham Bell made that first, historic telephone call in 1876, the telegraph was the fastest way to communicate long distance, but it had its limits. Bell channeled his interest in speech and music into experiments that led to a ground-breaking invention.

When did the first long distance phone call take place? Later that year Bell made the first long-distance call. He talked with his assistant, who was 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) away. By 1915 people could place telephone calls across the United States. Telephone service across the Atlantic Ocean began in 1927.

Listing Results Telephone Trivia Facts? Question Answers

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The technology behind smartphones relies on up to 250,000 separate patents. 99% of all mobile Malware is targeted at android users. Mobile phone radiation can cause headaches. The average person unlocks their phone 110 times per day! 47% of smartphone owners say that they ‘couldn’t live without’ their smartphone.

Telephone Trivia Page

Telephone Trivia and Quotes . Telephone Trivia: It took twice as long as the Bell System expected for electronic switches to replace electromechanical ones. (historically, from the rotary-dial mechanism on the phone) signal the dialed digits to the central office. - EDN Magazine; March 28, 1996.

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The Telephone Game is familiar to many people, as it has been around for years. The game remains popular because it can be played by any age and in many situations. A good telephone game works in the classroom, 118 Halloween Trivia Questions & Answers + FUN Facts (2021) September 23rd, 2021.

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