Quick Asked: Proboards Contact Us?

Are you searching for Proboards Contact Us? By using our below available official links ( which are always up to date), you can find contact information without any difficulty. It may list Phone number, Mobile phone, Email Address & Customer service information.
Last update: 25 Jul, 2024 166 Views

Where can i get help with proboards support? For assistance with your ProBoards forum, please visit the official ProBoards Support Forum.

Who is the owner of proboards? ProBoards was founded and is owned by Patrick Clinger, who wrote the ProBoards software. The service hosts over 3,000,000 internet forums, which in turn have approximately 22,800,000 users worldwide.

How do i link my forum account to my proboards account? This means you have successfully logged into your global account, but we could not find any associated forum accounts. If you have an existing forum account, enter your forum account username and password to link it to your ProBoards account. If you do not have an existing forum account, click the Create Forum Account link.

What are proboards terms of service? ProBoards users are bound by a number of Terms of Service, restricting the type of content which may appear on a ProBoards forum. ProBoards prohibits illegal or adult content. Formerly, only English forums were allowed, but in May 2010 this policy was changed, allowing boards to be created in any language.

Listing Results Proboards Contact Us? Question Answers


ProBoards is the largest host of free forums on the Internet. We provide the best forums and customer service to help your online community thrive.

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ProBoards is the largest host of free forums on the Internet. We provide the best forums and customer service to help your online community thrive.

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