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Last update: 25 Jul, 2024 326 Views

Is practicum by yandex a good place to work? Consumers satisfied with Practicum by Yandex most frequently mention data analysis, web development and real life. Practicum by Yandex ranks 6th among Job Training sites. How would you rate Practicum by Yandex?

What is it like to study data science at yandex university? Practicum by Yandex (data science program) offers systematised learning with clear progression and constant sense of achievement. In my opinion, this 12 months intensive course will skill you up to industry standard data analysis. You will build an impressive portfolio ranging from EDA to computer vision.

How does practicum work? Practicum stands on the quality of the programs; if a student doesn't secure a position within six months of graduating, Practicum guarantees to refund their money. Practicum is open to students of all experience levels.

What are the requirements to get into practicum? Practicum is open to students of all experience levels. The only requirement is a high school diploma. With an average employment rate of 71%, Practicum’s career acceleration program provides graduates with the competitive edge they need to succeed.

Listing Results Practicum By Yandex Contact Us? Question Answers

Practicum by Yandex — your online bootcamp

The Yandex Practicum is an online course that provides the basic tools for a Data Scientist including a solid platform for studying more advanced subjects. The course is 8 months long program, in which there are a lot of mini-courses regarding multiple subjects in the field.

Practicum by Yandex Tutors’ Spotlight

Practicum by Yandex’s programs last longer than many other bootcamps, so keeping up with the pace is key. That’s why Practicum’s tutors invest much of their time in their students, making sure their skills remain sharp and they stay on track of their training, which typically lasts between seven and 10 months.

Practicum by Yandex AngelList Talent

About Yandex Practicum: Practicum offers six- to ten-month online courses in fields related to coding. Students can currently choose from one of three programs: Data Scientist, Data Analyst, and Web Developer. Practicum courses incorporate professional knowledge that you won't find in any textbook, finally bridging the gap between short-term MOOCs and full-time bootcamps.

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