Quick Asked: Odaseva Contact Us?

Are you searching for Odaseva Contact Us? By using our below available official links ( which are always up to date), you can find contact information without any difficulty. It may list Phone number, Mobile phone, Email Address & Customer service information.
Last update: 03 May, 2024 88 Views

How can odaseva help with personal data management? With Odaseva, you can extract personal data in CSV files, excluding business records or fields belonging to your company, and make it portable. This approach is essential in order to segregate personal data management from business data management within Salesforce environments, streamlining new personal data regulations such as GDPR.

What is odaseva backup and restore? Odaseva Backup and Restore for Enterprises Odaseva is the leading Enterprise Data Platform for Salesforce, offering powerful tools to keep Salesforce data protected, compliant, and agile. Global industry leaders like Schneider Electric and Manulife rely on Odaseva to protect their data.

How is odaseva validated by esg? ESG began its validation of Odaseva by exploring the secure login capabilities of the solution. At a high level, the Odaseva management component is installed as its own service in the Force.com framework, not as a managed package on the Salesforce instance itself.

What is the odaseva audit log? It should be noted that Odaseva provides an easy-to-read audit log that records all user activity. This makes it easy to sort and search all user activity. Odaseva also provides detailed log files for each task, such as backups and restore, carried out by the Odaseva engine.

Listing Results Odaseva Contact Us? Question Answers

Salesforce Data Management by Odaseva Enterprise Data

The Odaseva platform encompasses a broad range of use cases, from seamless data archiving using Odaseva’s patent-pending Salesforce emulator to helping DevOps teams thoughtfully manage data across the application lifecycle management process. Odaseva’s breadth and depth have led to customer wins across every major industry, multiple years

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