Quick Asked: Noracora Contact Number Customer Service?

Are you searching for Noracora Contact Number Customer Service? By using our below available official links ( which are always up to date), you can find contact information without any difficulty. It may list Phone number, Mobile phone, Email Address & Customer service information.
Last update: 02 May, 2024 134 Views

Is noracora a legit website? Yes, Noracora is legit. It is not a scam online store because customers receive the items purchased from the website without a problem. But… This Noracora review will examine Noracora in order to provide the information that will help you answer these questions and more.

Where is noracora company located? Noracora is a fashion brand for women, their company located in the UK. Noracora claiming that they are an international B2C fashion shopping destination founded in 2016.

Where does noracora come from? Noracora is an online fashion destination founded in 2016. Though it operates a facility in the US, it is a China-based company, so the bulk of its items ships from China. Noracora says its goal is to provide a range of high-quality products at down to earth prices. It focuses on women’s wear and does provide a range of products for the womenfolk.

Listing Results Noracora Contact Number Customer Service? Question Answers

Customer Reviews Noracora

GOOD QUALITY. I absolutely love them. I was genuinely surprised at the quality of the material as soon as I opened the package. The material has some weight to it - doesn't feel cheap, thin or flimsy at all, and is soft to the touch. Be warned though on hot humid days it'll really cling to you if you're sweating a lot.

Noracora Reviews USA 2021

Noracora falsely states free shipping for $109 but then tells you it doesn't apply to sale items. My order was $140 well above $109 but was told I needed to add $16.00 more clothing for free shipping. When I saw the charge for shipping was $47.99 I decided to add $15 more instead of paying $47.99 for shipping.

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