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Last update: 03 May, 2024 102 Views

What does low lh mean? Low levels of LH may mean you have a pituitary disorder, anorexia, malnutrition, or are under stress. If you're a man, abnormally high LH levels along with low levels of testosterone may mean that your testicles aren't responding to LH's signal to make more testosterone. Low levels of LH may mean that your pituitary gland isn't making enough LH.

What do lh and fsh test results mean? Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) Blood levels of these hormones are often tested to determine how your ovaries are functioning. FSH ( follicle-stimulating hormone) is released when estrogen levels are low. During a regular menstrual cycle, FSH levels begin to rise sharply midcycle, a day or two before ovulation.

What is lh blood test? When your body responds, then the level of LH goes back down for the final two weeks of the cycle. But in menopause the LH level will remain high, as your body is trying to encourage progesterone production. Not that I am a doctor, but your levels and irregular cycles, certainly indicate that you are in the transition.

Listing Results Lh Phone Number? Question Answers

Contact Us LH Dottie

323-725-1000 Corporate Office. 6131 Garfield Ave Commerce, CA 90040 Phone 323-725-1000. Phone 800-982-1901 Fax 323-721-1000

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