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Last update: 15 May, 2024 140 Views

Where can i find implan data? NRCS has the IMPLAN data for all counties and states available for NRCS usage. NRCS annually provides an analysis of the economic impacts of NRCS programs for each state, and the US. NRCS is required to determine national and regional economic impacts for each PL-566 watershed project.

Who owns the implan model? The current IMPLAN input-output database and model is maintained and sold by MIG, Inc. (Minnesota IMPLAN Group). Over 1,500 clients across the country use the IMPLAN model, making the results acceptable in inter-agency analysis.

How can implan help you? IMPLAN allows the user to develop local-level input-output models that can estimate the economic impact of new firms moving into an area as well as the impacts of professional sports teams, recreation and tourism, and residential development.

How does implan work with nrcs? The IMPLAN software can combine any combination of counties and states into one study area. NRCS has the IMPLAN data for all counties and states available for NRCS usage. NRCS annually provides an analysis of the economic impacts of NRCS programs for each state, and the US.

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Get to Know Our Values IMPLAN

IMPLAN has been redefining the field of economics for over 40 years. Created by academics to serve the needs of the United States Forest Service, it has been transformed today to serve as a solution-provider for anyone interested in understanding their economy. Learn more about the origin of IMPLAN. Explore IMPLAN’s History


IMPLAN data contains 546 sectors representing all private industries in the United States (anything from grain farming to surgical appliance manufacturing) as defined by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes. Employment, employee compensation, industry expenditures, commodity demands, relationships between industries, and more are ...

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