Quick Asked: Hostmonster Contact Us?

Are you searching for Hostmonster Contact Us? By using our below available official links ( which are always up to date), you can find contact information without any difficulty. It may list Phone number, Mobile phone, Email Address & Customer service information.
Last update: 14 Jul, 2024 324 Views

How secure is hostmonster hosting? HostMonster provides a few different security options to choose from to help you protect your site and keep malicious people (or programs) at bay. Incredibly, the leading way WordPress sites get hacked is through the vulnerability of their hosting company.

What is your review of host monster? Terrible, very expensive and poor customer service. Hostmonster used to be a great service but now its got extremely expensive, they're cusotmer service is not helpful at all and I used to have over 20 sites and now only have 2 and they keep deactivating my hosting due to file count. Just avoid. UNAUTHORIZED CHARGES TO MY CREDIT CARD.

What is the average uptime for hostmonster? The industry average for uptime is around 99.93% based on our analysis. HostMonster delivered an average uptime of 99.96% with three and a half hours of downtime over the last 12 months. October 2020 was the only month with poor uptime (99.83%).

Why did we purchase the hostmonster basic plan? We purchased the HostMonster ‘Basic Plan’ to begin running detailed performance tests to evaluate their performance. We created a basic WordPress website and have monitored site statistics like speed & uptime (among other important criteria) to determine where they stack up against other web hosts in the industry.

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How to Update Your Contact Information HostMonster

A step-by-step guide to update the contact details we have on file. If you are using assistive technology and are unable to read any part of the HostMonster website, or otherwise have difficulties using the HostMonster website, please call 866-573-HOST and our customer service team will assist you.

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