Quick Asked: Gta 4 Phone Numbers List?

Are you searching for Gta 4 Phone Numbers List? By using our below available official links ( which are always up to date), you can find contact information without any difficulty. It may list Phone number, Mobile phone, Email Address & Customer service information.
Last update: 29 Apr, 2024 292 Views

What is the phone number to call in gta 5? With that out of the way, here's the rest of the phone numbers for GTA 5 (excluding cheats ): 273-555-0117 – This one tells you to call back later. 273-555-0158 – “This number is no longer in service.”

How do you dial a number on grand theft auto 4? Glitches in the network, dial a number and life will change. In Grand Theft Auto IV, The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony, cheats are activated by bringing up the phone number pad and typing the cheat phone number into Niko Bellic 's, Johnny Klebitz 's, or Luis Fernando Lopez 's mobile phone.

How to dial cheat codes in gta 5 online? How To Dial Cheat Codes in GTA 5. Enter the phone number that corresponds to the cheat you wish to activate. To actually dial the number, press the same button you used in step 2 (X on the Xbox One, Square on the PS4 or "Spacebar" or the middle mouse button on PC). The cheat will be activated.

What can you do with a cell phone in gta 5? If you thought that your cell phone in GTA 5 is useless, then you must think again. There are many people you can contact over your cell phone in GTA 5. From calling in favours to triggering cheats, these phone numbers will come in handy. Here is a list of the phone numbers of all the characters in GTA 5.

Listing Results Gta 4 Phone Numbers List? Question Answers

GRAND THEFT AUTO IV Relationships: Friends, Girlfriends

First dedicated Grand Theft Auto IV fansite. Latest news, fresh content; we separate the rumors and set the facts straight. Collecting all the news and visuals about GTA IV ...

GTAIV Phone Directory GTA IV GTAForums

The Mobile phone in GTA IV will now play a more significant role than it has in previous games. It has been confirmed that you will be able to call any in-game number on this device. You can call friends in-game, you also recieve missions through call or text message (Back to the original GTA days) This is GTA 2008.

Play Here: Gta 4 Cheat Codes Numbers [Free to Play Game

Lets start to play gta 4 cheat codes numbers. When your vehicle is damages instead of going to PayN Spray Press Up on the 360 controller go to cheats or dial this Number. GTA 4 was the first GTA game set in the HD Universe. GTA 4 Phone-in Cheat Codes and Their Effects Cheats are activated by dialing numbers on the in-game cellphone.

Are there any secret phone numbers that you can call

Interestingly enough, you can also ring several other phone numbers you may see dotted through the game. Not all numbers work, so I'll eventually get around to making a list of ones that work and ones that are just mentioned somewhere in the game. Here is a list of all known numbers: Emergency Services: 911 Bean Machine Coffee: 555-0110

GTA IV Phone Directory GTA IV Discussion + Help The

555-945-733 555-5700 (Fire Proof Doors) 555-8575 (Hero Shop) 555-7625 (Laundromat) 555-5440 () 555-RECRUIT (LCPD Recruitment) 555-1274-73 (Liberty Construction) 555-945-733-92 (No Problemo Bail Bonds) 555-4674 (Superb Deli) 555-5123 (Vinewood laundromat) 948-555-0100 (ZIT song identification company) Edited April 18, 2008 by Gin Ichimaru

How to dial numbers into the phone? Grand Theft Auto ...

Accepted Answer. Press "up" twice, once to pull up your phone, once to use the number pad. Then use the d-pad (if you know what I'm talking about) to dial the number you need. johnnieburns27 - 6 years ago 9 11.

Why wont my cell phone allow me to enter numbers for cheat

Guest answered: Heres a more detailed answer. To gain access to the number pad on the phone, you have to complete the first few missions until roman gives you a phone, then press up on the D-pad twice, and type in what you want (if you know nay codes.) then have fun! 4 0. REPORT REPLY.

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