Quick Asked: Flatfish Ltd Contact Us?

Are you searching for Flatfish Ltd Contact Us? By using our below available official links ( which are always up to date), you can find contact information without any difficulty. It may list Phone number, Mobile phone, Email Address & Customer service information.
Last update: 04 May, 2024 64 Views

What is flatfish ltd? Welcome to Flatfish Ltd - "The Future of Fresh Ocean Produce". The story of Flatfish starts back in 1979 when the Company was founded by Steve (MD) & his father Bob Stansfield, operating from the old Grimsby Fish Pontoon.

What is the history of flatfish? The story of Flatfish starts back in 1979 when the Company was founded by Steve (MD) & his father Bob Stansfield, operating from the old Grimsby Fish Pontoon. By 1991 the Company was wholly owned by Steve & had moved to a single rented council owned unit in Murray Street, which was later extended to include an adjacent unit.

What is a flat fish? Flat fish are members of the order Pleuronectiformes of ray-finned demersal fish, or ‘Heterosomata’. Many flat fish have both eyes on one side of their head. Some have the left side of their face upwards whilst others have the right, or can face either side.

What is the habitat of a flatfish? Most flatfish live on or near the seabed, where they hunt for small water animals and other fish. When a flatfish swims, it glides down to land on the bottom, where it flaps its fins to brush up mud and sand.

Listing Results Flatfish Ltd Contact Us? Question Answers

CSR flatfishltd.co.uk

CSR. Sustainability has been at the forefront of our minds since we began, and we are continuously striving to achieve perfection, making each year more sustainable than the last. We already have several sustainable initiatives, but we know we can make our company, industry, and world a more responsible place.

Flatfish Fishmonger's Shop (Wholesale) in Hatcliffe

In Hatcliffe, Infobel has listed 2,944 registered companies. These companies have an estimated turnover of £ 2.702 billions and employ a number of employees estimated at 17,514.The company best placed in Hatcliffe in our national ranking is in position #1,639 in terms of ...

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