Quick Asked: Convenia Contact Us?

Are you searching for Convenia Contact Us? By using our below available official links ( which are always up to date), you can find contact information without any difficulty. It may list Phone number, Mobile phone, Email Address & Customer service information.
Last update: 02 May, 2024 173 Views

How do you administer conconvenia? CONVENIA should be administered as a single subcutaneous injection of 3.6 mg/lb (8 mg/kg) body weight. A second subcutaneous injection of 3.6 mg/lb (8 mg/kg) may be administered if response to therapy is not complete.

What is convenia for dogs and cats? Convenia is a long-acting broad spectrum antibiotic called cefovecin. Once injected, it attaches to blood proteins and works for up to 14 days. When Convenia first came on the market it was a godsend, or so we thought. Here was the answer to all those cats and dogs who just couldn’t be given pills.

What are the side effects of convenia? So-called hypersensitivity reactions (such as allergies or auto-immune problems) to Convenia can occur but they are rare. Occasionally, blood cell abnormalities may be seen following high doses.

Does convenia need to be refrigerated? Convenia is light sensitive. Keep refrigerated. The color may vary from clear to amber and become darker over time. When properly stored, the product's color is not an indication of potency. Convenia is only intended for use in cats and dogs.

Listing Results Convenia Contact Us? Question Answers

Convenia Injection side effects? TheCatSite

I wanted an answer asap so I ended up calling the pharmaceutical company that makes Convenia to ask if it could be a side effect. They took my info and made a case number. She did mention about the neurological side effects such as ataxia - tremors. So I'll take it that it probably is a side effect.

Convenia (Kicking Myself) Feline Diabetes Message Board

A general note: After our visit and the Convenia shot I had written my vet an email telling him my concerns about side effects etc, and so, when we did talk on the phone the following week he suggested we could address any future issues with another type of antibiotic.

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